By Staff Writer
Principal Chief David Hill @ChiefDavidHill has issued a statement on Facebook addressing concerns of citizens of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation. Backlash from the move to form an Agreement -In-Principle with the State of Oklahoma ensued shortly after with hundreds of comments pouring in.
Some citizens accused Chief Hill of selling out the Tribe to the State of Oklahoma while some of his supporters praised the move.
In a Facebook comment responding to Chief Hill @ChiefDavidHill, U.S. Poet Laureate Joy Harjo, chimed in to condemn the move by the Chief and the other four tribal leaders involved. Harjo stated, “What was an unprecedented victory is being undone — we are giving up our sovereignty. Heartbreaking.”
Muscogee (Creek) Nation Council Representative Anna Marshall confirmed that the National Council had not signed off on the Agreement -In-Principle with the State.
In Chief Hill\’s statement, the Chief attempts to explain his reasoning behind the move stating that the move is \”proactive\”. It is unknown what prompted the Five tribes leaders to form this agreement so soon after the Supreme Court ruling, McGirt v. Oklahoma.
Full text of the mcgirt-v.-oklahoma-ruling
Below is the full text of Principal Chief Hill\’s Statement:
\”As many of you know, this morning an Agreement-in-Principle document was released. This is a framework in regards to the Five Tribes and not to the Muscogee (Creek) Nation specifically. The Oklahoma Attorney General and the Five Tribes have reached in agreement for any potential proposed legislation to be enacted by Congress addressing jurisdictional issues over reservation lands. Many people have reached out to me expressing their concerns about this development, so I feel I should issue this statement clarifying the position of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation and my view regarding the agreement.
Muscogee (Creek) Nation agrees that intergovernmental cooperation with federal, state, and tribal governments, officials, and law enforcement is critical following the Supreme Court’s decision in McGirt. While the McGirt ruling was a historic and tremendous victory for the Muscogee (Creek) Nation and all of Indian country, there exists the real possibility that outside interests opposed to any gains by Indian tribes will unilaterally pursue Federal legislation that could reverse what McGirt did or even possibly do far more damage to tribal sovereignty.
To that end, I believe it is in the best interest of our Nation to take a proactive approach and consider options that would maintain our Creek Reservation status but find creative ways to address jurisdictional conflicts between the Nation, State, and Federal government. MCN’s position is that the agreement Oklahoma’s Attorney General announced today is temporary and will be continuously monitored by MCN. This agreement is provided solely to address the immediate transitional period as we address inter-governmental cooperation agreements consistent with the court’s decision and will give the MCN a voice in any potential congressional legislation.
MCN, however, does not agree that legislation is necessary. If any legislation is proposed that Muscogee (Creek) Nation has not formally approved, MCN will oppose it and call upon all those who recognized the benefits of the McGirt decision to tribal citizens, and non-Indians alike, to join in opposition. MCN remains committed to working with the State of Oklahoma, along with all of the Five Tribes, to ensure the safety, health, and welfare of all Oklahomans living within the borders of MCN’s Reservation. However, legislation is not necessary to achieve this goal.
As your Principal Chief, I am not interested in any option that would diminish our sovereign right to govern within our own Reservation under the Nation’s Constitution and laws or that would violate the sacred promises given to our ancestors through treaties. We have a long road ahead, but I am confident that we will be able to make significant strides for the long-term benefit of our great Nation.\”