By Staff Writer
On June 28-29, 2012, the Tiger Administration\’s 2012 Strategic Planning Conference and Tribal Stakeholder\’s Meeting was held on the Northeastern State University campus in Tahlequah, OK. Participants included Muscogee (Creek) Nation elected officials, community leaders, tribal government employees, academics, and community members. Former OSUIT President Bob Klabenes, Director of Human Development Dr. Wayne Johnson and Ed Mouss gave presentations to the groups. The following outlines part one of the presentation that was given over two sessions by Ed Mouss .
Strategic Planning and Jurisdiction
Edward F. Mouss
Okfuskee Grade School
Okemah High School
Oklahoma State Univ, BS Management
– Economics, International Mgmt
Univ of Tulsa, MBA Management
– Production Science
Univ of Oklahoma, MRP, School of Architecture
– Regional Development
– Construction Science
Major Work Experience
American St. Gobain, Float Glass Mfg., US, Fr, Arg.
– Quality Assurance Engineer
Rockwell Corp., Aerospace Mfg., (Apollo Space Vehicle, Lunar Landing Vehicle, 747 Aircraft, B-1 Bomber)
– Quality Assurance Engineer
– Project Cost Control Engineer
Creek Nation Housing Authority, Commissioner
Creek Nation Tribal Government, Executive Director
U. S. Congress, (Washington, D.C.) American Indian Policy Review Commission
D/HHS, Indian Health Service, Deputy Director, Information Resources Mgmt
D/Interior, Indian Affairs, Chief, Office of Self- Determination
Chair – Federal/Tribal Taskforces and Workgroups
An Act of Optimism about Future
Period of time to Implement, Develop, or Change a Course of Direction
In a Governmental Sense, generally limited by the Term of Office
Realistically, we are looking at 3-4 years, in some cases 2 years or less
This leaves little time to measure outcomes related to doing the tribal citizen’s business.
Strategic Focus
Exercise of Governmental Powers
Regulation of Activities-
“any lands title to which is either held in trust by the United States for the benefit of any Indian tribe or individual or held by any Indian tribe or individual subject to restriction by the United States against alienation and over which an Indian tribe exercises governmental power.”
Subject Focus
Indian Country
A Strategic Information Technology Plan
Public Health Accreditation Board
Water Rights Issues
Economic Development
Violence Against Women Act
“Indian Country” TITLE 18 – PART I -CHAPTER 53 -§ 1151.
A legal term that includes \”all land within the limits of any Indian reservation“;
\”all dependent Indian communities within the borders of the United States“; and
\”all Indian allotments, the Indian titles to which have not been extinguished.\” The phrase legally defines Indian tribal and individual land holdings as part of a reservation, or an allotment, or a public domain allotment.
All federal trust lands held for American Indian tribes is Indian country.
Federal, state, and tribal governments use the phrase in their legal processes
Federal Services do not necessarily limit Indian Programs to Indian Country
Causes confusion
Tribes may have input into where Federal Indian Services are provided.
A Strategic Information Technology
The Cloud: Should it be Public or Private?
A real Cloud (scalable, elastic, virtualized and metered) or is it a Managed Service ?
Basic Principles for an IT Plan
Efficient, consolidated and a Reliable
Secure Infrastructure and Services
Information is an Asset
Capable IT Workforce
Public Health Accreditation Board
A national move for creation and accreditation of Tribal Public Health Boards (PHAB)
PHAB Standards and processes are close to finalization
Advance collective data practices
Be simple and reduce redundancy
Minimize burden
Reinforce local, state and tribal health roles and demonstrate shared accountability
Apply to all sizes and all forms of governance structures
Based on American National Institute principles
Standards and Measures Assessment Standard
Conduct and disseminate assessments focused on population health status and public health issues facing the community
Standard 1.1: Participate in or Conduct a Collaborative Process Resulting in a Comprehensive Community Health Assessment
Standard 1.2: Collect and Maintain Reliable, Comparable, and Valid Data That Provide Information on Conditions of Public Health Importance and On the Health Status of the Population
Standard 1.3: Analyze Public Health Data to Identify Trends in Health Problems, Environmental Public Health Hazards, and Social and Economic Factors That Affect the Public’s Health
Standard 1.4: Provide and Use the Results of Health Data Analysis to Develop Recommendations Regarding Public Health Policy, Processes, Programs, or Interventions
Public Health Is:
Science of protecting and improving health of communities through education, healthy lifestyles, and research for disease and injury prevention; Focus is the community population.
Concern is protecting the health of entire populations; a governmental function.
Not a Private Practice Model