By Staff Writer
On January 28, 2012, newly elected Principal Chief George Tiger gave his inaugural State of the Nation address in the Multipurpose building located at the Claude Cox Omniplex. The Principal Chief\’s address to the Nation sent signals that his administration is the beginning of a new direction for the Muscogee Nation\’s Executive Branch. A 90-day plan was unveiled by the Principal Chief to the National Council. And the Chief also gave notice that there would be a reversal of several policies that had been implemented during the previous administration.
The Principal Chief\’s message began by detailing some of what has transpired since Tiger took office back on January 4, 2012. Tiger said the application has been made for a planning grant that will help establish a Small Business Center. Chief Tiger went on to say that his administration has put together what they call a \”Request for Resumes\” or RFR in an effort to attract talented Mvskoke people from across the United States to \”come home and work for the Nation.\”
Grazing and farming lease negotiations have begun for lands near Hanna, Oklahoma, that haven\’t been utilized in recent years, according to Tiger.
The Principal Chief announced that he rescinded a policy of the previous administration that prohibited employees from speaking openly to their representation on the National Council. This announcement would be the first of several that would reverse the policies of the Ellis Administration. Tiger then went on to recognize that the National Council is the only proper authority that can authorize appropriations of the tribes money.
Executive orders 10-19 and 10-20 were rescinded to restore the charters of Duck Creek and Eufala Indian Communities. Chief Tiger said that the restored community charters would not interfere with the gaming operations management by the G.O.A.B. And in a bold move, Tiger stated that any lawsuits against the communities will be withdrawn or settled to \”…re-establish a relationship of mutual trust and respect.\”
Principal Chief also gave an overview of what he plans to accomplish in the next ninety days. Tiger\’s summary of his \”90-Day Plan\” began by saying that the Judicial Branch would be subject to an audit including all bank accounts formerly under Judicial control. Tiger intends to appoint a three person Legal Review Commission to review current Muscogee legal code and submit their findings to the National Council. Tiger commented that the purpose was to make the legal code \”…consistent and clear, not political.\” At-Large voting will also be on the Legal Review Commissions agenda to determine if it is Constitutional.
Other important issues on Tiger\’s 90-Day Plan were the tobacco compact, community development, restructured gaming commission, Mackey Sand Bar development, and a financial review of the Nation\’s Permanent Fund.