Muscogee Nation Listed On Delinquent Real Estate Tax Notice From the State of Oklahoma

The State of Oklahoma sent out a “Notice of Sale of Real Estate For Delinquent Taxes…” to three Okmulgee County newspapers to be published on the 8th and 15th of September 2011. The notice lists real estate located in Okmulgee County that has delinquent taxes owed for the year 2010. The dollar amount of the taxes owed for each property is also listed in the notice.

The Muscogee (Creek) Nation is listed as having \"\"delinquent taxes on five different pieces of real estate located within Okmulgee County. The total amount of late taxes due to the State of Oklahoma for 2010 equals about $2682.45. The Alabama/Quassarte Tribal Town is also listed for delinquent taxes on one piece of real estate which totals $1,308.63. If the taxes aren\’t paid in three years the real estate could be auctioned off.

Apparently the land is still taxable and has not been put into trust for the Muscogee government. The notice names the Muscogee (Creek) Nation as the title holder. If the land had been put into trust for the Muscogee Nation, the title holder would be named as the United States.

The notice is being published again on September 15, 2011, in the Morris News, Henryetta Daily Freelance and the Okmulgee Daily Times.

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