Rumors are beginning to swirl with only 16 days until the 2011 Creek Nation primary elections. Unconfirmed reports say that Marcy and Patrick Moore may be planning some sort of legal action against National Council representatives for reason of contempt of court. Many of the National Council members are also candidates in the upcoming 2011 Creek primary elections.
Leading up to the last Principal Chief\’s election in 2007, the National Council was censured by the Supreme Court and signs were posted at the community centers, casinos, and other tribal government facilities. The signs censuring the council were left up at the community centers, which were also voting sites, through the 2007 Creek elections.
Both Marcy and Patrick Moore\’s appointment nominations were rejected by the National Council and they are not recognized by the Council as legitimate tribal officers. Muscogee law requires the National Council to confirm appointed officials such as an Attorney General or District Judge. Marcy Moore acts as the Attorney General while Patrick Moore acts as a District Judge.
The Light Horse Police also became involved in this political quagmire when they prevented Susan Arkeketa from attending her first day of work as the new Attorney General for the Muscogee Nation. Arkeketa was reportedly escorted off the Creek Capital Complex property by the Light Horse police. The National Council nominated and confirmed Arkeketa after the Principal Chief failed to produce another Attorney General nominee for the Council to consider for confirmation.