Heard at the Grounds – Jobs, Jobs, Jobs: Deal NO DEAL Deal….

By ef mouss

United States Speaker of the House of Representatives\"\" John Boehner says he wants President Obama’s speech to Congress to take place on Thursday not on Wednesday evening of next week,
The White House’s spokesman has said Obama’s Jobs speech was planned for a joint session of Congress on Wednesday. This was the same time that a POLITICO and NBC sponsored debate of GOP presidential hopefuls was scheduled.

Boehner’s letter to Obama this Monday (8/31) afternoon, gave this explanation:

\”As your spokesperson today said, there are considerations about the Congressional calendar that must be made prior to scheduling such an extraordinary event. As you know, the House of Representatives and Senate are each required to adopt a Concurrent Resolution to allow for a Joint Session of Congress to receive the President. And as the Majority Leader announced more than a month ago, the House will not be in session until Wednesday, September 7, with votes at 6:30 that evening. With the significant amount of time – typically more than three hours – that is required to allow for a security sweep of the House Chamber before receiving a President, it is my recommendation that your address be held on the following evening, when we can ensure there will be no parliamentary or logistical impediments that might detract from your remarks. As such, on behalf of the bipartisan leadership and membership of both the House and Senate, I respectfully invite you to address a Joint Session of Congress on Thursday, September 8, 2011 in the House Chamber, at a time that works best for your schedule.\”

Perhaps Speaker Barnett could schedule our Principle Chief to Address the Creek Nation on a Jobs Initiative for the Creek citizens and others who reside in our Nation. Or would he defer that little talk for six months like his State of the Nation speech failing to uphold his Constitutional responsibility.

As various Presidential hopefuls call for a various options to create jobs such as: overhauling the tax code; pairing long-term solutions with business regulation cuts for short-term relief; and massive infrastructure projects such as highways and airports; we need a frontal attack on the Ellis’ leadership and his Administration’s unwillingness or most likely the inability to tackle the Creek Nation’s problems, pointing out that in eight years Ellis is the only Principal Chief to support and condone failure as the standard and reverse all progress made since 1979, the year of the adoption of a Constitutional government.

As each presidential hopeful detail their own jobs agendas in the coming weeks, perhaps our Creek Chief’s and Representative candidates will jump on the jobs conversation by laying out an jobs agenda.

As one Presidential hopeful reiterates \"\"his call for a “revenue-neutral restructuring” that ends loopholes, deductions and tax expenditures in the tax code by proposing to consolidating the sprawling tax system into three individual tax brackets — 8 percent, 14 percent and 23 percent — and reduce the corporate rate to 25 percent and also recommends to eliminate the capital gains and dividends taxes, as well the alternate minimum tax. What is the Creek Plan?

“Most of our Creek candidates believe that we can spend our way to prosperity,” one gentleman in the Checotah forum murmured. We must figure out a way to increase our revenue if all these plans to spend money is what people want. “We cannot just spend money. We must compete our way to prosperity.”

One Presidential hopeful has four pillars of revenue generation of which taxes are one. The candidate’s plan also contains regulatory reform, energy independence and free trade — areas which will aid the revitalization of American manufacturing.

The candidate states, “We need American entrepreneurs not only thinking of products like the iPhone or Segway; we need American workers building those products,” he will say. “It’s time for ‘Made in America’ to mean something again.” We must have a Creek environment to support this entrepreneurial environment.

Which Creek candidate can muster the political will to bring about a Court System which will provide protection for risk taking investments; allow Creek citizens to invest in their own business’; establish a business climate to create 1,000 jobs over the next four years created in the Creek jurisdiction and unemployment as low as 2.3 percent. Growth and prosperity will come when we have the “most business-friendly climate in the entire country.”

The future of the Creek Nation is about bringing creative ideas to the Nation’s level.

We cannot afford to experience another four years of this nightmare.

The Nation has an opportunity to be a rising star, be first again; be a leader; not a shooting star.

We need leadership who has the vision and leadership to lead this Nation of Creek citizens.

Mr. Mouss served with the U.S. Congress’ American Indian Policy Commission; Creek Nation Housing Authority Commissioner; First Election Board for the Creek Nation; Adjct Prof Univ of Okla and Okla St Univ; Tribal Co-chair for PL 93-638 Federal Negotiated Rule-Making Committee; Federal Chair for the Contract Support Work Group; Director for Information Resource Mgmt/IHS/HHS; Chief Self-Determination Services/Interior; Chair Okla and Nat’l Indian Health Board, numerous National Tribal/Federal Taskforces and Work groups, Creek Interpreter-Okfuskee Cty Dist. Court.

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