\”Heard at The Grounds\”: Creek Election Second Chief’s Race \”Fired Up”

by ef mouss

The Creek election forum held at the Sapulpa Indian Community Center Monday evening was “Fired Up.” The Second Chief candidates stoked up the rhetoric. David Dunson spoke with authority and endorsed the use of impeachment; Nathan Buck won the comedian award for the night; and Jerry Wilson gave us the option of change for our Trade and Commerce practices. Some candidates seemed to want minimal change, unity and asked us to forget and move on, forgetting that our Courts have set the stage for the future.

All the other Candidates were some where in-between: Speeches and Promises worthy of a high school student senate race. A sense of community floated through the crowd. Perhaps a concept initiated in the pre-Constitutional days of the 70’s had taken hold. Creek citizens have demonstrated ownership of community; and a lashing out against centralized control.

Questions from the audience stirred the most emotion revealing body language. The “Growth and Prosperity for the Nation” evoked the most eager candidates’ responses. Responses ranged from that “deer in the headlight look” to sincere attempts to provide the audience with an intelligent quality answer. There was a sharp rebuke of the current administration’s attempt at globalization when jobs are needed at home. Sincere ideas were presented ranging from “processing horsemeat” to “railroads” and personal experience opportunities in certain medical supply industries.

Wilson’s short economic seminar contained the most substance when he asked voters to change. Of the three economic models of capitalism, socialism and communism, the tribe had adopted a failing communistic model and must consider an economic model of change which will have a chance for success.

Perhaps more time should be given as some candidates did not have the opportunity to completely let us know their leadership qualities in a short time.

Maybe some of the second Chief candidates should be running for the top leadership position.

Mr. Mouss served with the U.S. Congress’ American Indian Policy Commission; Creek Nation Housing Authority Commissioner; First Election Board for the Creek Nation; Adjct Prof Univ of Okla and Okla St Univ; Tribal Co-chair for PL 93-638 Federal Negotiated Rule-Making Committee;  Federal Chair for the Contract Support Work Group;  Director for Information Resource Mgmt/IHS/HHS; Chief Self-Determination Services/Interior; Chair Okla and Nat’l Indian Health Board, numerous National Tribal/Federal Taskforces and Work groups, Creek Interpreter-Okfuskee Cty Dist. Court.  

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